Intermission vs. finale

Your finale might just be the intermission to something much greater.  A plot twist you never saw coming.

Don’t confuse you intermission for your finale.

Think about it like this: when you're watching a kick-ass play or reading an awesome book, there's always that moment where everything reaches a peak, right? That's the finale, the climax that leaves you on the edge of your seat. But right after that, bam! Intermission time. It's a breather, a chance to catch your breath and get hyped for what's coming next.

In January of 2020, I landed the coolest job ever, at the time my dream job.

I was tapped to do some television hosting work for the PBR (Professional Bull Riders) and my first assignment was Madison Square Garden. My dream to be on television in New York was not only coming true, but I was getting to interview the best bull riders in the world! I didn’t think it could get much cooler.

That dream job lasted a mere three months before the world shut down. Events came to to a screeching halt around the world.

I was crushed. My finale had ended before it ever really got started.

Little did I know at the time, that job merely served as an intermission on the path to something far more extraordinary—something beyond my wildest dreams.

You might know that I am the very (very) proud owner of a PBR bucking bull named Top Dollar. However, what you may not be aware of is the remarkable way he entered my life.

In 2020 after what I thought was my finale had ended I received a DM on Instagram. I had never met Katie, but she reached out after watching my on television with the PBR. She asked if I had any interest in owning a bucking bull.

I said no. Then (according to her) I ghosted her.

You already know how this story ends. I eventually came around and decided to take leap of faith and partner with Katie Perschbacher and Laramie Wilson scrawny yearling bull named Top Dollar. A few months later he became the yearling world champion.

He’s gained a few pounds and hundreds of thousands of fans since 2020. His TikTok videos have millions and millions of views. He more than just a bucking bull. Thanks to his charming demeanor, laid back attitude and overall zest for life he has become a powerful advocate for an often misunderstood sport.

I never could have predicted the pure joy, lifelong friendships and people this bull would bring into my life. It turns out my job with the PBR wasn’t my finale, it was an intermission to something so much greater.

Don’t confuse your intermission for your finale.

Don’t let something temporary define your legacy.



Haters gonna hate


failure just means you dared to show up.