Haters gonna hate

No really.

The haters are going to hate you no matter what you do.

This is a lesson I am learning over and over again, particularly on social media, a playground for brazen keyboard warriors. I love social media, but sometimes the nasty comments just wear me out.

About two months ago, I posted a harmless reel to my Instagram page. Videos of me dressed up for photoshoots, a catchy song and these words:

2020: “You have to ride and ranch to call yourself a cowgirl. You have to earn it”.

2023: Still not ranching. Still no horse. Still a cowgirl.

That’s it. That was the reel.

It got picked up by the good ol’ Instagram algorithm and ended up as suggested content for hundreds of thousands of women. Boy, did they come for me.

I responded to every single hateful comment. Hundreds of them. But I didn’t hit post. I just typed out my response and then carefully deleted it. I blocked some people. Some I left to wreak havoc.

You know what I learned?

First, the nastiest comments always, always come from people who have profiles that read “Jesus lover. Hope dealer. Full-time encourager.” I kid you not. It never fails. Many times they even have a bible verse (which I immediately look up to undoubtedly discover that said verse references not letting unwholesome talk come out of your mouth). I’m not making this up. No hater practices what they preach.

Second, no matter how smart or sassy my comeback was, they always managed to have the last word. It's like an unwritten law of the internet – they gang up and outnumber you every time.

Haters serve as a curious reminder that progress often ruffles feathers and that authenticity shines brightest when it incites both applause and disapproval.

Don’t let them stop you.

Here’s the thing: legends aren't built by paying attention to the noise around you. It's about focusing on your passions, chasing those big dreams, and believing in yourself when others might doubt you.

So, let the haters huff and puff, but don't let their negativity dim your soul.

After all, legends aren't born from following the crowd – they're forged by those who dare to be themselves, haters be damned. So go on, write your own legendary story, and let the world do the talking while you soar.




Intermission vs. finale